ヤン・ホイヤーのインスタグラム(janhojer) - 5月21日 18時25分

Although 4 Tops were not enough to secure a spot on the podium, i had an incredible time climbing in finals last night!
All problems were fun, the atmosphere relaxed and the crowd surprisingly big despite the bad weather ?
@チョン・ジョンウォン killed it with a perfect 4 flashes in finals ???? and of course @ヤンヤ・ガンブレット won the womens comp (i lost count of how many times she beat me and all the other guys in iso) ?
Now it's time to lock myself into the gym for 3 weeks to be in great shape for the Vail World Cup ✌️
@mammut_absolute_alpine @madrockclimbing @flathold @neprosport


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