チャーリー・エックス・シー・エックスのインスタグラム(charli_xcx) - 5月21日 02時30分

hey angels. i don't know if you saw this yet but my friend and my main Number 1 Angel collaborator @agcook404 wrote some really interesting notes on the making of the N1A mixtape. he details our process in the studio, the way we write, our collaborators and much more. i realised recently, I don't really talk much about my process in the studio, which is funny because it's such a huge part of who I am as an artist (i'm gonna start doing it more I promise!). but that's why you should read AG's notes. it's a cool insight into the N1A songwriting zone! link in bio! hope u enjoy angels ❤️❤️❤️ ? @brookecandy

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