リンジー・ペラスのインスタグラム(lindseypelas) - 5月18日 07時24分

I've hot yoga'd, pilate'd, and hiked my way to Wednesday. If you can't tell I looooove to mix it up. It's kind of crazy I used to actually be NERVOUS to go workout. The gym, group classes, even just hiking alone used to make me uncomfortable. It seriously took until the past year to even attend a new workout alone. What I love about @1stphorm and the #1stphorm family is having a community of no judgement. Having an amazing CEO like @andyfrisella who sees the beauty in different backgrounds and fitness levels really makes it me thankful to be a part of 1st Phorm. It's not all about grunting and muscles and gains (although it is sometimes ;)) haha but it's about quality products and quality people helping you achieve your best you. Now go in that workout class you've been afraid of and kick ass. Mess up, and embarrass yourself once or twice too, it gets fun after a while 😉😛 #confessionsofaspaz #iam1stphorm


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