トニ・ガーンのインスタグラム(tonigarrn) - 5月11日 19時47分

Time to leave Africa ✨ The young girls I met this time in Zimbabwe and Rwanda have inspired me so much once again, not only to want to support them and push their access to education, but they've woken me up to do tons more. In every way.
Education is the only way for young girls to get out of the cycle of poverty in Africa. Once they drop out of school, they usually get married off and about a quarter of all girls in Zimbabwe get pregnant before their 18th year. Which then often leads to deaths, as their bodies are much too young and the rural areas hardly ever equipped with medical care. In fact pregnancy is the main cause of death for young girls here.
And they are aware of it all. Just look at the joy about school in these pictures and you'll understand.
Please follow me and my events, I need your help. I'll come here and make sure all funds are properly and sustainably spent, always supporting this unique continents future through education of young women. It's so easy to change a young girls life. Stay tuned @tonigarrnfoundation for upcoming events! Or just donate now? ok time for short captions again✌?✈️


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