リンジー・モーガンのインスタグラム(linzzmorgan) - 5月8日 13時00分

Day 7 of #60summershred ??❤️this one is about the nutrition for the hurr. My love and the only man I trust with the hair on my head @michaelkanyonhair just developed a new all VEGAN, super nourishing, packed w. ultra luxe vitamin goodness hairline. I'm loving allllll of the @americanenglishhair products! I tagged so you guys can check it!

Personally trying to switch to all vegan products for the bod, bc your skin is your biggest organ on/in your body, so trying to expel all the chemicals I can from it.

It's great to know what your are putting IN your body but make sure you also know what you're putting ON it ❤️???❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




