ガゴシアン・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(gagosian) - 5月2日 09時15分

“There is a famous Botticelli painting in the Uffizi that I love of the virgin and child with a bunch of singing angels. It’s a big tondo, and it has a slight convexity, a bit of stretching around the image that’s very subtle, and it has this feeling that has always just blown my mind. I also loved MC Escher when I was a teenager—I made my first self-portrait when I was 16 with me reaching toward one of those mirror balls—so I’ve thought for a while about doing a nude in a convex mirror. I also thought of it as a kind of reversal or parody of that famous Laura Mulvey essay about the gaze—a disarming of my worries about the creepy invasive male eye. I made three versions of this drawing. This is the one I used for the painting—which ended up on the book cover.” Currin will be signing copies of his latest book, "John Currin," from 6–8pm on Tuesday, May 2 at the Gagosian Shop, 980 Madison Avenue. RSVP to currin@gagosian.com. #JohnCurrin #Gagosian
Image: John Currin, "Untitled" (detail) © John Currin.


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