レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 5月1日 07時37分

A very special #specialthingsundays: My commitment to supporting the end of endo is eternal, and every day people who have the illness or love someone with the illness come right up against the lack of knowledge and resources. Thatma why we need organizations like @theendo.co ? Thank you to Natalie and Jenneh for this much-more-than-a-bracelet bracelet. Donations to their org help to raise awareness and funding for endo research. The suffering is so personal, intimate and real but any calls to action, even in the form of a cute-ass bracelet, are a lovely reminder of how far we've come in opening up the dialogue and how far we still have to go to help the sisters who don't have the luxury of helping themselves ?‍♂️


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