ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 4月11日 03時36分

When they say training will make you "look like a man" ???? I get so many messages from woman on here saying they want to start training but are scared of getting "too big" What I ALWAYS say to woman with that fear is for them to realise that the image you see of a fitness model on a shoot or a female mid workout isn't how she would look walking around day to day. Your muscles will always look bigger during or straight after a workout due to swelling to transport blood into them to help you lift weights ? The picture on the left and right is me during and post training. Hence the thicker shoulder & forearm on the left pic (from an hours boxing) and the bigger bicep on the right pic (from an upper body weight session) The middle picture is me on a non training day plodding around looking like a female. NOT "butch" or "bulky" or "masculine" Woman have nowhere near the amount of testosterone levels to grow their muscles so big naturally. I've been training for around 7 years now and all for that mini bicep ? don't panic ladies! Think of your health and know you will still look and feel like a lady.... Just a badass one who can carry her own stuff all day every day ? ??


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