イザベル・ルーカスのインスタグラム(isabellucas) - 4月10日 14時36分

My expression when the producer texts me through something like this... ? Yet, I'm thankful for opportunities such as these to highlight how beautifully hilarious these magazines can be, often creating completely false information in order to gain viewership and capital. This article uses images taken from scenes we filmed on set in character. ? This may be obvious for a lot of people, but for those who don't know this and take this information as verbatim, I suggest only trusting the words and stories directly shared. I have experienced this many many times, many falsehoods have been written and I share this with you so as to validate your instincts in questioning the truth of these sources. ⚡️?@womansdayaus #sensationalized #journalism #trashymagazines #beautifullyhilarious #false #celebritynews #sillyness ? by @craigmcdeanstudio

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