MIYAVI(石原貴雅)のインスタグラム(miyavi_staff) - 4月8日 00時08分

#Repost @diseasedangerdarknesssilence
So @雅-MIYAVI- ROCKED and played two of my favorite songs ever tonight! While I'd have loved to have heard Selfish Love or Joushou Gaidou, I am pleased as punch that I got to hear Cry Like This and What A Wonderful World! And when he played the song he wrote with his wife I nearly started crying.
Not ashamed to admit that I DID start crying when he told us that music is the one thing that unites us all.
@callylet, thank you for making sure we had transpo to San Francisco. I wouldn't have missed this for the world. 13 years and I finally got to cross "See Meevs live" off my bucket list.
Now I'm off to beat Freedom Fighters, the other song I'd have loved to hear. <3 Thanks for putting on a fantastic show, Miyavi. I won't forget it any time soon. #FireBird2017 #AsiaOnTour


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