テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 3月30日 18時43分

By 1982, as part of an investigation into cubism and depictions of pictorial space, David #Hockney began to experiment with photographic collages. He combined dozens of successive Polaroid photographs, taken from varying angles, to create a complete image, or what he described as ‘joiners’. Making some 140 Polaroid works in a matter of months, these multi-frame images allowed Hockney to experiment with depictions of time, motion and the position of the viewer. Hockney said 'I was at the camera day and night […] the joiners were much closer to the way we actually look at things, closer to the truth of experience.' Click the link in our bio to travel through #Hockney's career with eight key works. Don't forget our extended opening hours, including next Thursday 6 April until 10pm!
David Hockney, Billy + Audrey Wilder, Los Angeles, April 1982 1982, © David Hockney


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