ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月29日 02時00分

The war to drive ISIS from its last strongholds in western #Mosul has come to this: With every advance by Iraqi forces, every missile rained down by American aircraft, a flood of Iraqi civilians hits the streets. Last week, the photojournalist @ivorprickett traveled with Iraqi special forces deep in western Mosul. That’s when he saw these civilians lining up for aid distribution. Around a half-million people are still thought to be trapped in an ever-shrinking part of Mosul. Most are in dire need of food and water. Meanwhile, seeking to cover clearing operations around them, Iraqi soldiers are always climbing, looking for the high ground of rooftops and corners. On the ground, @ivorprickett witnessed desperate families fleeing their homes, starting out right at daybreak. Nearly everyone frantically asked which way was safe for them for flee. The sounds of battle were all too close: a cacophony of gunfire, the dull thud of mortar rounds, the deafening roar of Islamic State car bombs and American airstrikes. He photographed civilians as they were taken for treatment after a mortar strike and, on one street, a mother in despair. She screamed out in horror after her son was killed in an ISIS mortar attack, right on her doorstep. Swipe left to see these scenes and visit the link in our profile to read more.


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