アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 3月20日 20時53分

#52daysofconsecration #day13 It is my nature to give. Sometimes I give to a fault. But I suppose it is a gift to know you can give and have faith that your needs will be met. I suppose I got it honest because I have such benevolent parents. I watched my mother being homeless people and drug addicts home to feed and clothe them. I've watched my dad give his last to his family while he didn't eat. I had the best example in my home. It is not so easy for everyone to give so freely but I must tell you when you give you will always receive what you need! I am blessed to be a blessing! This week I am committing to blessing someone in someway every single day! What is your commitment this week? What has been your daily devotion? Are you reading something to fill your soul, eliminating distractions, focusing on a goal, and sharing with others to encourage their progress? I am still working on the sleep schedule ? it's been tough. But I've been consistent with my praying and reading! I feel strong in mind and spirit. Let's keep growing together! Tell me how you've been ??


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