ダフネ・セルフのインスタグラム(daphneselfe) - 3月16日 22時31分

Technology At 88
When I was a girl I could never have imagined the technology we have available at our fingertips today. If I wanted to know something I had to go to the Library and search through the reference books or ask someone knowledgeable – luckily for me my father was an academic and taught as a profession. He was always happy to answer my questions, explain things and fulfil my curiosity. Mostly answers weren’t instantly found like they are now. I wrote letters and waited expectantly for a reply which would hopefully come in a few days time. We sent holiday postcards and took photographs and sent the film away to be processed, again taking days of patience to see the results.

The day to day life of a model is easier with technology I must say – I don’t have to traipse around castings with a heavy portfolio as all my shots are online or on my iPad mini in my handbag along with my iPhone. I can receive bookings and updates from my Agent while I’m on the move.

Everything is so much easier you might think – but it’s ……. to continue reading go to the link in my profile or cut & paste:- http://www.daphneselfe.com/technology-at-88/

#dove #carynfranklin #technologythesedays


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