クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 2月18日 11時02分

Wishing one of my favorite people in the world @sonysmithy a very happy birthday today!! We've been friends for So long and have so many memories that are very special to me! 23 years of friendship and counting! I'll never forget when we met shooting that Women of Color swimsuit calendar in Rhode Island and while talking about men you blurted out with the thickest Puerto Rican accent I'd ever heard "Oh F*cking men are all cut with the same Scissors!" And the rest is history! I was so proud about a decade and a half later to be giving a speech at your Bridal shower with tears running down my cheeks- I was so happy for you! You're a beautiful woman inside and out and I love you like a sister! Happy birthday beautiful! ???❤️?


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