There are things that you do not see. There are things that you do not know. It takes humility to acknowledge this. The world of the mind is a fortress of self-protection. It hides the truth from itself. When pressured the mind often fights back with ferocious intensity. But, there's a way out. And it isn't about winning the war. It's about recognizing that there's no need to fight in the first place. You have to choose to drop your arms and defenses, lower the drawbridge and open the gates. Only in a space of surrender will you see that there was never an enemy in the first place. The only forces of evil were in your own mind, and in truth you have only been fighting yourself this entire time. The field of the mind is created by your thoughts. Each thought is like a citizen of your inner world. You are king and queen of each of them. How you treat your thoughts is how you rule your inner world and determine if there is a state of peace or war. No thought has power other than the power you give it. If you collect all the bad thoughts and wall yourself in with them, it can certainly seem like there is a big enemy waiting to close in on you, that everyone and everything is against you. But the truth is something else. If you take the brave step and set yourself free from the torment of your own self-delusion, you have a chance to truly live in peace. Only when your inner world is resolved will your outer world that reflects the deep peace that you crave. This is yoga, a path of awareness and spiritual strength. You practice so that you have the courage to see the things about yourself that you'd rather not, truths that are so painful that your ego defense will do anything to avoid admitting. Yoga is freedom, truth, liberation. ? . #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? . Our kickstarter is still happening and the time is running out. Click the link in my bio to help us get to the next stretch goal. Dates are set for my exclusive kickstarter Ashtanga Intensive: November 30 - December 4th in Miami. Join me if you can. ⚡ . Next workshops: Mexico Indianapolis Las Vegas Michigan San Diego Dallas Miami Beach Details:

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月16日 02時01分

There are things that you do not see. There are things that you do not know. It takes humility to acknowledge this. The world of the mind is a fortress of self-protection. It hides the truth from itself. When pressured the mind often fights back with ferocious intensity. But, there's a way out. And it isn't about winning the war. It's about recognizing that there's no need to fight in the first place. You have to choose to drop your arms and defenses, lower the drawbridge and open the gates. Only in a space of surrender will you see that there was never an enemy in the first place. The only forces of evil were in your own mind, and in truth you have only been fighting yourself this entire time. The field of the mind is created by your thoughts. Each thought is like a citizen of your inner world. You are king and queen of each of them. How you treat your thoughts is how you rule your inner world and determine if there is a state of peace or war. No thought has power other than the power you give it. If you collect all the bad thoughts and wall yourself in with them, it can certainly seem like there is a big enemy waiting to close in on you, that everyone and everything is against you. But the truth is something else. If you take the brave step and set yourself free from the torment of your own self-delusion, you have a chance to truly live in peace. Only when your inner world is resolved will your outer world that reflects the deep peace that you crave. This is yoga, a path of awareness and spiritual strength. You practice so that you have the courage to see the things about yourself that you'd rather not, truths that are so painful that your ego defense will do anything to avoid admitting. Yoga is freedom, truth, liberation. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Our kickstarter is still happening and the time is running out. Click the link in my bio to help us get to the next stretch goal. Dates are set for my exclusive kickstarter Ashtanga Intensive: November 30 - December 4th in Miami. Join me if you can. ⚡
Next workshops:
Las Vegas
San Diego
Miami Beach


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