Food Republicのインスタグラム(foodrepublic) - 2月14日 04時04分

I teach chocolate-and-cheese-pairing classes @murrayscheese from time to time, but today I’m here to grab a few chocolate bars and cheeses to satisfy a personal craving. The two seem like an unlikely combination, but if done right, it can be incredible, creating a mashup experience that transforms two great foods into the sublime. Murray’s is one of the only places in town to buy @maisonpralus’ Infernale bars, a massive chocolate bar filled with praliné (read: the best fancy candy bar in the world), which I’m going to devour later. #FRTakeover #chocolatenoise #beantobarchocolate


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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