キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 1月27日 03時33分

During the Middle Ages, I've learned many women were killed. Literally to the point where they created and instilled fear around a women's most powerful tool, her intuition. Labeling them witches and evil deities when the gag was they were just operating from the source and using their female gifts in which connect them in a special way to the moon and many other things. But in order to create the civilization they saw fit, I guess they didn't feel like including the woman especially not the ones that they felt couldn't be "tamed". They removed the women's power in society and things have been quite unbalanced since we learned to accept that habit. In my opinion the woman is needed and very much needed to be in a position of power simply because we can not have one energy, male energy, making all the decisions. There has to be two energies working in tandem otherwise we are ignoring important factors like the BALANCE of nature and children. Idk.. what do you guys think?


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