タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 1月27日 02時18分

Life is good when you finally decide to love yourself enough to clear our ALL the bad people, things and situations and all the bullshit that comes with them..... Take it from me at a certain point I just got tired of being tired of people and their random bullshit -
I cut OFF all emotional access - if you stay OPEN people will rest you like a fucking punching bag and just wake up and DUMP whatever random shit they want on you....:... Even a lot of people in my own family or certain homies from day dot! If you're a bad person rather its blood or not I want nothing to DO with you....... when I go to sleep at night I actually wanna rest if I let you stress me OUT and make my life miserable i would let you cause nightmares in my sleep at night I wouldn't be RESTING!!!!!! I'm a father and mogul my daughter needs me at my BEST at all times..... it's 2017 miss me with the bullshit - Yeah I said it - #VoltronChairman


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