のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 1月26日 00時39分

Second child guilt - Sakura has almost no new toys, mostly hand-me-down from oniichan and also because we are running out of storage for toys! But recently I learnt to DIY some toys for her from just simple things from home, absolutely doesn't cost anything and it's great learning experience too! This is inspired from @the.kindie.mumma, the color bag! Just have a few ziplock bags, fill it with baby oil and squirt a few drops of food color in it. Let the baby press and see play with the color bubbles! I also filled another bag with soda foam (shaving cream is fine too!), and tape it to her walker and that bought me a good 10 minutes to do housework!! Also, no mess at all :P

@the.kindie.mumma has lots of other ideas, I especially love the DIY playdough puzzles too. Can try that for Junya. Hope you guys get some ideas too and if you have any, do share! ^^ #DIYtoys #playideas #sensoryplay


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