CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 1月20日 09時22分

Meet the big bank CEO who thinks Wall Street regulation is necessary. His name is James Gorman and he's the chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley. "I'll be very clear about this, I'm not a fan of getting rid of Dodd-Frank," Gorman told CNBC on Thursday in a wide-ranging interview at the @WorldEconomicForum. Gorman said that elements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act need to be "curtailed," but he's not in favor of scrapping all the regulations, which were drawn up in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Gorman said the overall structure of Dodd-Frank is "great" — citing higher capital requirements on the front end, fail-safes on the bank end to mitigate systemic risks, "and in the middle having an annual health check." These regulations were designed to prevent the too-big-to-fail scenario that put taxpayers on the hook to rescue troubled financial institutions. As Donald Trump prepares to take the oath of office on Friday, his administration is expected to push deregulation. But Gorman thinks the new administration should not broadly overhaul or eliminate Dodd-Frank, "Because the more change we make at this point, the more destructive it will be for the markets." Do you agree?


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