デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 1月13日 10時17分

#tbt #mybestfriendsgiri filmed in Boston & I was in the worst shape of my life.. mentally. That is until the film started and I was immediately embraced by the greatest city ever.. Boston. We filmed all over the city and literally everywhere we worked was like a welcome home party. It's one of my proudest moments working on one of the funniest films I've been in yet. @ケイト・ハドソン was truly a champ and made some of the tough days easy with her professionalism and humor. She herself had some heavy shit go down on day 1 of filming that she overcame and together we just had a blast. Working out, punching up scenes & enjoying some #redsox when we had time to hit Fenway Park.
This pic embodies how I felt at a high and low point in my life meeting. When I went from grief to joy. I appreciate this time and even though I only ate bugs for protein it was all worth it bc people still love the movie when most movies stink or never get released (I've done those too haha).


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