ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 1月11日 18時19分

Thank you Mr. President Obama. Let us never forget- THIS is who we are. We are love, we are united, we are the dreamers that made manifest such glorious changes for our America- and our America is everyone's to behold, all are welcome, all may be emboldened by the truth that our young country reaches its arms out high, wide and we fly with the Angels of Light. We are so blessed to have the privilege of democracy and made the choice to have you - YOU! The most incredible human elected as the leader of the free world. To have his family as our own. Let us honor and cherish your service Mr. President by continuing to do the work with such grace and empathy for all.
This is not a goodbye, as the seeds you have planted have just began to sprout - we will water, nurture, toil the fields, preserve and do the work necessary so all can walk in purpose and awe in the gardens of freedom for all humankind. May God Bless You and Yours Always ?


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