フェリックス・サンドマンのインスタグラム(felixsandman) - 1月4日 23時02分

Happy new year!!!! ❤ Family, friends and Foooers! I'm so ready to leave 2016 behind and make 2k17 a really good year (so original I know righhhhtt)! No but srsly, hope you all are having a great start and from the bottom of my heart I wanna thank everyone that has supported me thru out this year. Thru ups and downs, I appreciate you. (!!!!!)Aja nog med det djupa, gå nu och välsigna din lill-lördag med lite FoooPodd. Senaste avsnittet finns på radioplay eller i podcaster appen, SESÅ ?(!!!!!)

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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