コーラル アンド タスクのインスタグラム(coralandtusk) - 1月1日 06時53分

We can't thank you enough for your continued excitement, support and all the love this past year!! 2016 was a big one! From our studio move to @industry_city, huge and exciting expansion on our embroidered fabrics line @coralandtusk_fabic with debut at the AD Home Design Show, launching our Big Sur Collection of which we were so thrilled to have been able to donate 10k this year to @oceanconservancy from a percentage of sales, our debut at ICFF with a new large scale textile display piece, opening our own Outpost in Jackson Hole with @stephanie_coralandtusk's move to Wyoming and our incredible Coral & Tusk retreat and adventure to share in her love and inspiration of the animals and landscape there, continuing to connect with our Wholesalers at trade shows in New York and Dallas, meeting our wonderful customers at sales from craft fairs to trunkshows and welcoming in our Brooklyn studio, exciting new moments with our retailers and customers in Japan, launching our fall line with new Christmas characters to join in the holidays, all while sharing with you everything we are so thrilled to be able to make, continue to work with together and all the new stories we tell!! Whew! Here's to that and more to come in 2017!! #2016bestnine #coralandtusk


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