ロリン・ヨークのインスタグラム(_laurenyork) - 12月31日 07時44分

2016 was REALLY hard for me. The most difficult year of my life by far. When I look back now I can see how I only grew stronger, smarter, and more humbled with every challenge I faced. I let my adversity be a foundation for strength in my life and at the end of the year I had THIS moment. Since I was a little girl I've dreamed of walking the Miss USA stage and in 2016 I made my greatest dream a reality. I can see clearly now that sometimes bad things happen to help us learn and grow so that we can come out the other end a better person than we were before. 2016 was a year filled with trials so that I could be prepared for 2017- a year filled with hope and opportunity. #cheerstothat #cheersto2016 #cheerstothenewyear


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