パク・ジュンヒョンのインスタグラム(godjp) - 12月26日 16時12分

이분의 음악으로 어린시절때붓터 너무나도 많은추억들과 기억들을만들고 영양을받엇는대...또한명의 Legend가떠낫네요... 레전드들이 너무 빨리떠나는건지 않이면 레전드들이기때문애 그러캐늣껴지는건지...ㅜㅜ
내가늘쓰는말 "빼애앰"도 어린시절 이분의노래 가사애서 영양을받은건대... "Wham BAM I am a man job or no job..." 글구 이분들이 Rap이라는장르를 대중들애개 거의쵀초루 이노래루 알려줫어요...ㅜㅜ
May you Rest In Peace and May God Bless your Soul George Michael~ This person's music has had a huge impact on many many of our teen years in creating style, memories etc... and has influenced so many of us musically... another Legend has gone... I sometimes wonder if most legends leave too fast or is it that because they are legends and have had such a presence that their absence is felt more... May God Bless! "WHAM BBBAAAMMM! I am a man..." (yes even the word I use so often was an influence from that song~! Wham was not the first BUT one of the first groups to actually introduce Rap to the mass...
#지오디 #fangod #GeorgeMichael #LastChristmas #Wham #RestInPeaceAndMayGodBlessYouandYourLovedOnes #Legend #GoneTooFast


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




