エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 12月15日 11時19分

You too?... I just want to say how supported I feel by all of you lovely people- mamas, dads, whether you have kids, no kids... Yesterday I felt conflicted about a post that I wrote after reviving a negative comment... The first comment. Because of this woman's opinion I got nervous that I may offend people by what I was writing about. I then wrote a disclaimer and shared that here and on amydavidson.com The most amazing part was the way ALL of you responded. Blew my mind. Truly? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I know there's haters, judgement and negativity out there, and I know now that I didn't "NEED" to explain myself yesterday. You all showed me a level of support that truly made my heart swell❤️ Thank you. Truly. I love blogging- I'm still new at it so it's not quite perfected yet, but I plan on continuing to blog more and more and truly hope to see you all on my site sharing tips, stories, what works for you, what doesn't work... I love this community we've created and I just wanted to say a huge heartfelt Thank you... ❤️??❤️


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