キャリー=アン・モスのインスタグラム(carrieannemoss) - 12月14日 09時49分

Full moon ::
Creating the altar :: decided tonight my life is my altar and I will bow to every single bit:: feeling so much tonight so much gratitude :: feeling grief for those suffering in this world of ours:: Releasing every bit of what doesn't serve and at the same time asking how can I serve?
While at the same time making innocent holiday magic for my little:: may we all open our hearts :: Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru::
Wisdom connect to the infinite :: healing ::open to compassion ::
Fiercegrace collective women please tag me with images of your altars :;
Would love to make collage:)) #allepo #fiercegracecollective #bythefire


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



