ペイジー・クラッセンのインスタグラム(paigeclaassen) - 12月13日 03時07分

Over the weekend, @arjandekock and I were part of the Human Rights Day celebration hosted by the many cultural groups of local farm workers. Their demonstration of joy and gratitude for God's love, stable work, and the celebration of many cultures coming together as one was humbling, to say the least. Local Kavango tribe member Lala described the giving of beaded necklaces as "you were an outsider, but we want you to know you are now welcomed on the inside". Powerful words I think we can all learn from. Lala also gave Arjan a leather belt because "Mr. Arjan is always running so fast around the packhouse, we don't want his pants to fall down". What a special day, thank you to everyone involved for your singing, dancing, and blessings!


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