クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 11月26日 07時50分

Last year I spent Black Friday shivering in a sleeping bag in Death Valley National Park. I felt compelled to #OptOutside & drove 8 hours away from amazing Thanksgiving leftovers & my family to do so. Although it was a great adventure it felt a little ironic to leave what I was most grateful for.... Family. So this year I stayed close to home. Climbed a little .. swam with my kids and ultimately steered clear of spending the day shopping. I think main purpose of opting outside is to look at our habits as consumers and how we can simply live with less. You don't have to go far from home or even out of town. The ultimate goal should be to spend time where it matters most.

@prana @キーン


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