クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 11月22日 02時44分

The spotlight of success isn't for everyone because not everyone is built for what comes with it. Jealousy, resentment, constant criticism and never really knowing if someone is around you FOR YOU or for the perks.-just to name a few concerns. And I'm not only speaking about this fickle ass entertainment business- successful people in general have to deal with this burden. There will always be critics and naysayers but TRY not to take it personally. It really says more about them and their resentment of YOUR bravery- they see it and wish they could have that trait- but they don't. So the closest they can come to Greatness to criticize YOURS. So if you cannot deal with the negatives that come with success then don't attempt it. Don't even bother cause I'm telling you- it comes with the territory in a major way. But a good way to avoid all of that- is to never be bold enough to step outta the nest of mediocracy. But if you think you handle it- leave that nest and spread those wings and fly baby! ??


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