Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月10日 02時23分

The happiest of birthdays to my Beloved boy Giuseppe. I know him since before he was born. I have never seen an expectation for someone to be born as when Giuseppe was about to arrive to this Planet. For 2 or 3 weeks, the trending topic in the neighborhood was if Giuseppe was already born. Now he is 5 years old, gorgeous and healthy...
@ninofranchina @karriefranchina @ilpastaio_bh #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー

Black Jaguar-White Tiger を見た方におすすめの有名人