トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 11月9日 15時54分

#regram of @morgankrantz I no longer know why I am watching the screen. I no longer know what the future holds. Everyone hold the ones you love close. And for those of you who have voted for him. Honestly, I just hope that you have seen something in your candidate that I do not. Something That is positive. That does love and support those of us who have been disenfranchised, who have been oppressed. I hope that this does not mean the death of progress. I hope that this is does not hurt those who are a different sex, sexual orientation, race, and nation. Please. Please. Protect us. When you try to make America great again. Remember what has ALREADY made America great. Women and men. Immigrants. Refugees. Black. White. Hispanic. Asian. Gay. Straight. Bi. Transgender. Those in the room. And those currently on the outside. Remember us. And let us all take care of one another.


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