キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月8日 23時37分

#YogiAssignment VOTE
Your voice, your vote counts. Just think, less than 100 years ago women didn't have the right to vote. Too many people have fought for too long for you to be able to exercise your right to vote. While this election cycle has left many disillusioned, horrified, traumatized and fearful, exercising your right to vote is an act of faith. The dream of democracy might seem empty in the broken promises of our politicians but the dream lives and breaths when you vote. We need healing as a nation, and, as Americans, we need each other. Not more divisions, not more blaming, not more hate. No matter who wins we need more love, more togetherness, more respect, more sharing, more community, more people who are audacious enough to hope, more souls who dream of peace. We are spirit, we are bright, we are limitless, we are strong, we are fierce. Go out and vote your conscience today and tomorrow reach across the divisive lines and stand together with all Americans as one people, united not by the color of our skin, but by the dream of freedom, justice and liberty for all. ??
Did you vote? I voted early weeks ago. I've always been political and I'm not excluding the option that one day I might run for office. You never know. For now, I'm on the mat practicing. ?

#practiceyogachangeyourworld #imwithher ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga

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