オープニングセレモニーのインスタグラム(openingceremony) - 11月7日 07時16分

"I believe that to be American is to be completely proud of being raised in this country while taking advantage of everything that is to be offered. There have been many times that I've questioned my allegiance to this country while growing up. I felt as if I wasn't as American because of my race. I can fully say that it's a country like no other with benefits that many other nations don't offer. There's something about the soil here, about the air here, about the diversity that nurtures you in a special way. This land gave my parents the opportunity to pave their way and work hard, so that me and my sister may be able to pay it forward and express all we can be. Who knows if they could've done it in another country, but they chose to do it here." OCNY STAFFER @radamiz ?? #OCForVoting @donstahl


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