グッゲンハイム美術館のインスタグラム(guggenheim) - 11月3日 02時46分

Last summer, curator Xiaoyu Weng traveled to China and visited the artists creating work for #TalesOfOurTime, opening this Friday.
Weng describes the scene in this image, and her memories of the trip—“I always think a good way to understand an artist’s life, besides their artwork, is their hobbies, or the things that they like to collect. That tells us a lot about how people engage with life. In this case, I saw a skeleton in Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s studio, so I started to talk to Sun Yuan about what these animals are. He showed me all these things that he collected over the years; they are mostly animal skeletons and skulls. He’s fascinated by all of these animal specimens. Some of them are incorporated in the artists’ older works.”
#SunYuanPengYu #Guggenheim ? Sun Shaoguang


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