ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 10月25日 05時27分

"More than 200 million Americans are now registered to vote. That is the largest number in the history of our country. And what’s especially exciting is that more than 50 million young people have registered. This could truly be the election that young people turned out in larger numbers than ever to make their votes and voices heard. ... What I think is happening is that people are coming together, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, all to reject hate and division that sets Americans against one another. Because we believe we can have a more hopeful, unified, positive future. And it’s going to be really important to make sure that people recognize, no matter what issue you care about, it is on the ballot. It may be Tim’s and my names, but it really is about everything we care about." —Hillary


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