ニア・ピープルズのインスタグラム(niapeeples) - 10月12日 01時03分

I woke up this morning, headed straight to my #AmyGrant recording of #BetterThanAHallelujah and sat in #meditation, the tune playing again and again... Emptying my mind of all thought, I was able to feel into my heart as the fear began moving out and love began moving in. I was struck with deep #appreciation for those who have expressed to me such simple things like #kindness and #compassion, understanding and non judgement...incredibly powerful. For these simple things create and hold a space for me to be the most beautiful and powerful person I can be. Imagine if everyone were given that space... These times in our nation, in the world can seem so incredibly troubling, everyone fighting for their beliefs; beliefs about what keeps them safe and abundant, free to experience, expand and express. Yet many areiu making decisions from a place of fear and separation. How can we create safety and abundance from a place of #fear?

This morning, I encourage you to sit for a moment and allow true, #unconditionallove to fill your hearts. Actually feel the feelings of compassion and appreciation, joy and wonder. In this love there is no judgement. In this love there is #compassion. In this love, there is no separation, there is only truth. For this love IS truth. This love IS GOD for GOD is love. In this love are all the answers and behind it, the power that created the universe.

I love and appreciate you




>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



