ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 9月27日 16時53分

1. I have a brilliant idea. 2. I've officially started eating clean again today (no sweets, sugary, or fatty foods - minus healthy fats of course.) ?? goodbye cookies.. for now.
? OKAY LISTEN. ? so you know how every year we make new years resolutions or we want to get our "summer bodies".. well what if we recommit to those goals NOW and get to our goals BEFORE next new years, (not just fitness goals but any of the goals we set) how amazing would that be to START the new year ALREADY WHERE WE WANT TO BE so we're ready to tackle it in a way like never before. There's 3 MONTHS left (holy cow this year flew by). Anyways I challenge YOU to join me in reaffirming your resolutions and examining if you did all you wanted to this year.. and if not ---> DO IT NOW!! ??? WHO'S IN, SAY "I ?"!!!! ??❤ *tag a friend*


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



