National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 9月22日 22時15分

Photo by @FransLanting Rhinos are in big trouble across Africa and Asia, but there are a few places that provide hope. Black rhinos were translocated from South Africa to Chief’s Island in the heart of the Okavango Delta by the Botswana Defence Force. Here they are well protected and their numbers are now increasing. Thanks to President Ian Khama for his leadership and to Wilderness Safaris and the Botswana Wildlife Department for their partnership and their commitment to making this success story possible. I share this on the occasion of World Rhino Day, and urge everyone to lend their support to those who are making a difference for rhinos. See more rhinos @FransLanting.

@ナショナルジオグラフィック @natgeocreative @thephotosociety @worldrhinoday #rhino #endangered #Botswana #Okavango #WildernessSafaris #IanKhama #BotswanaWildlifeDepartment #BotswanaDefenceForce #WildAid #WNF_NL #world_wildlife


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