レクレーのインスタグラム(lecrae) - 9月22日 10時17分

People may think I'm being becoming too political. But honestly this about being faithful to expose darkness and address the burdens on my heart. Imagine if Dr. King was silent on social issues in the name of "staying out of worldly affairs". I'm a far cry from him but he set a precedence. It's my call as a believer to be involved. I travel the world (headed to the Middle East this year) fighting darkness, oppression and injustice so when I speak up at home it should be welcomed not met with side eyes and skepticism. The light that shines the furthest shines the brightest at home. This isn't about a single case of who had a weapon or who was unarmed. This isn't a condoning of riots and destructive anger. This is about systemic oppression, bias, prejudging based on color and economics and abuse of power to name a few. This has gone on too long. It needs to stop. And if God has given you an able body and mind you have an opportunity to get involved. "Who is your neighbor?...then go and do the same."


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




