ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月22日 02時59分

So maybe "From Black Mountain in Kentucky, you can see mountaintop removal — the blasting of mountain summits to extract underlying coal —occurring in Virginia." About a half an hour away from Black Mountain, Benham, a small town of 500 mostly elderly residents in Kentucky, offers a window into coal country’s past. But change is afoot there. Carl Shoupe, a retired miner and onetime union organizer, is the brains behind Benham$aves, a project to retrofit old homes. Carl is no fan of the coal industry. He was badly injured in the mines and sports a goatee to cover scars on his chin. Carl got into environmental advocacy about a decade ago, after giving up alcohol and finding God. “I got to looking around, when all this mountaintop removal and strip mining and tearing up of our beautiful mountains was going on, and I started praying about it,” he said. Carl sees retrofitting as one small step on the daunting path toward what environmentalists call a “just transition” — economic growth that doesn’t harm people’s health or the land. @george_etheredge took this photo while on #nytassignment in #Appalachian coal country. Visit the link in our profile to read more. #nytweekender


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