宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 8月15日 21時52分

【Mamo★Dise Request Corner! No.115】 はぁやばいー風邪をひいたみたい… 先週働きすぎかな ? それはそれとして、今日は @showta.n さんと @mio.1331mio さんのリクエストを載せたいと思います ?? 「Marshmallow Love見たいです」 とリクエストでした!? このパフォーマンス何回見ても、大好きです!もう〜本当に食べちゃいたいくらい可愛いと思います ? ところで、みんな… 今日は siesta-tokyo.com に投票しましたか?? || I'm definitely blessed with a body that never fails to let me know if I've been overworking myself.. ? I'm down with a fever and bad cold again so please excuse me if my words don't really make sense tonight (it's the medicine ?) hehe. Anyway! Let's look at a request I received from @showta.n and @mio.1331mio tonight! ? Their request was for Mamo's 「Marshmallow Love」 performance so if there's anyone out there who's feeling a little under the weather today like me, I hope this can heal you the way it's healing me too ?? // PS: Have you voted for Mamo today~? Right now in the Japanese poll, he's at the 13th spot with 2700 votes and in the foreigner poll, he's at the 7th spot with 300 votes.. so remember to keep voting!! ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #声優 #seiyuu #mamodiserequestcorner


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