シャナン・ドハーティーのインスタグラム(theshando) - 8月13日 06時23分

It seems to me that all we have anymore is irresponsible journalism, with no truth instead opting for sensationalism. @ハリウッド・リポーター I've had much love for you until your one sided mellow dramatic story you chose to print on @chriscortazzo. You even chose to not print his statement. So here it is. I'll do what you should of. Mr. Cortazzo adamantly denies any allegation of wrongdoing. The Baghdasarians listed their property jointly with two real estate agents, Beverly Higgins and Chris Cortazzo, for some 13 months. Despite thorough market exposure, the sellers received no purchase offer to their satisfaction from the buying public. Finally, in April 2012, the sellers (through their agent Ms. Higgins) asked Cortazzo to purchase the home for $6.1 million – a figure in excess of its April 2012 appraised value. Cortazzo agreed. He thereafter invested heavily in remodel / repair that the Baghdasarians knew was needed to enhance value.** Cortazzo additionally incurred significant financing expense before successfully selling the property four years later. ** On March 19, 2012, Mr. Baghdasarian wrote “You take our house and do all the updates that Harry has designed, which will cost you less than 500K to do, you have a $10+ Million asset on your hands.”


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