イリース・バウマンのインスタグラム(baumanelise) - 8月7日 12時02分

"YOU DO ART BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO, IT'S YOUR MEANS OF EXPRESSION, A LIFE LINE, AND YOU WILL DO ANYTHING IT TAKES TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS THAT." A few months ago I walked past an art shop and saw this in the window. I felt inclined to walk in and take a look and ended up buying this newspaper full of interviews with artists of varying mediums. The above quote resonated deeply with me. Tomorrow morning we begin filming season 3 of Carmilla. It is a gruelling shoot schedule. 200+ pages in 5 days. But it's a team of such passionate and dedicated people who are ALL willing to brave the fire to make an epic piece of art. It feels like a different lifetime ago that I first walked on set for season 1, terrified but excited, and it's been incredible to grow along side a character like Laura. To learn from her, and feel how much I have grown in 2 years. I want to bring all of that, all of me, to the next 5 days. Breathe, listen, CREATE.

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