下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 7月26日 09時57分

But you know you can't eat crabs that many even its your dear friend's birthday's sake. We had to deal with what to do with all these 100 uneaten crabs ( including live ones ) after party. We don't want to waste any precious lives for sure. As we were about to let all live ones to East River, which was the most sensible solutions among other insane ideas, someone rescued them ! We could happily pass all of them ( cooked ones & live ones ) to my crab aficionado friends for their party. Love goes around @u.g.e.p ??? とはいえ蟹づくしにも限度があり( わたしはこんなにいらないわよ、ってはじめに言ったんだけど…)、見事に蟹ちゃんたくさん余り、どうしよう、命を無駄にしたらバチが当たる。まだ生きている蟹たちはイースト・リバーに放そう!とかクレイジーなアイデア数々いろいろすったもんだの末、蟹好きの友の宴に寄付できました。愛はマワル。メデタシメデタシちゃんちゃん。



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



