ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 7月19日 08時42分

Starting now, I will periodically let incredible humans from different backgrounds take over my account to express their views. Today, you have the pleasure of meeting Goldie! Together we've had profound conversations regarding race. They have helped me be a better ally to #blacklivesmatter. But I'll let Goldie speak for herself:
"If I had to define myself, I would say 'I am black and I am beautiful.' Both can be seen as superficial while only one is but skin-deep. I am not one in spite of the other. Surround yourself with beautiful people and keep positive energy flowing. Be genuine. Be kind. Focus on the good and always try to find the silver lining. Look at yourself, look inside and tell yourself you are worth it every single day. Ask yourself what you can do to make the world a better place and above all 'don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem'. I guess that the first step to making the world better is constant and open conversation. Stay positive - even about the things that are not fun to talk about. Be proactive. Try to touch and open the minds of as many people as possible. Keep in mind that with all the bad in the world and the never ending race wars we are the generation that can make a change."


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