キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月7日 22時48分

Some things look easy but are actually hard. Some things look hard but are actually easy. What's easy for one person is hard for another. This pose, Purna Matysendrasana, is one that looks easier than it is. This asana is hard, awkward, and demanding. Flexibility, strength, and balance are all at work. Not to mention mental limits. I was convinced I would never do this pose because my legs were too short and thick. It took me years of practice before I felt that moment of settling into the pose, the dropped down feeling of finding the inner body, the energetic root of subtle alignment. The most magical parts of practice are those small victories that give you faith, the little signs that only you can see that gently encourage you to take one more step down the path. Yoga is a journey, not a destination. Or rather you could say that the journey of yoga is itself the destination. Once you feel that then it no longer matter whether the pose is easy or hard, it only matters how you feel deep down at the center of it all where the voice of stillness speaks to you of an unchanging, undying love. ?
#ibelieveinlove ?
Next workshop: Columus, Ohio. July 15-17. Details and sign up info in bio. ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?


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