The response to my post yesterday was... Wow. I read as many comments as I could and the only way to conclude the conversation is this: I'm not alone. So many of you feel the same. There is an entire tribe of people out there that want to change social media. Change perceptions. Change the world. So - enough talking! Let's act . _ There are so many ways to make a difference and you don't need to be a millionaire or an influencer to do so. Change begins with you. With me. What are you passionate about? What makes your heart beat a little faster? Go there. Go there now. For me it's animals and children and my way of making a change is manifesting through @sgtpeppersfriends and @109world . I wasn't able to start these initiatives because I'm "privileged" or blessed in ways that you are not. I've been saving animals my entire life. I don't need a fancy website or a 501c3 to save the life of a stray dog in need. I've been taking in dogs off the street since long before I was Yoga Girl. I've donated what little I've been able to since before I ever had a steady job. I chose to eat a plant-based diet for environmental reasons long before I had an Instagram account, or people that came to my classes, or anybody that listened to what I had to say. When I was 20 years old living in Central America in a shack that filled up with water every time it rained, making a dollar an hour working shitty jobs, I still managed to contribute through animal rescue and teaching free yoga and doing whatever I could to be of service to the world in a way that fit my life situation at the time. I'm not telling you to give all of your money away or ignore your responsibilities or sacrifice your wellbeing - I'm saying everybody can do SOMETHING. Find what your something is!!! It's your responsibility to do so. To help heal the world in a way that works for you. So support foundations that do good things. Volunteer. Donate when you can. Raise awareness for causes you care about. Educate the people around you. Eat sustainably. Spend your money wisely. Be mindful. And goddammit, if you have any sort of social media influence... USE IT FOR GOOD. You owe it to the world. Thank you.

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 7月3日 03時13分

The response to my post yesterday was... Wow. I read as many comments as I could and the only way to conclude the conversation is this: I'm not alone. So many of you feel the same. There is an entire tribe of people out there that want to change social media. Change perceptions. Change the world. So - enough talking! Let's act .
There are so many ways to make a difference and you don't need to be a millionaire or an influencer to do so. Change begins with you. With me. What are you passionate about? What makes your heart beat a little faster? Go there. Go there now. For me it's animals and children and my way of making a change is manifesting through @sgtpeppersfriends and @109world . I wasn't able to start these initiatives because I'm "privileged" or blessed in ways that you are not. I've been saving animals my entire life. I don't need a fancy website or a 501c3 to save the life of a stray dog in need. I've been taking in dogs off the street since long before I was Yoga Girl. I've donated what little I've been able to since before I ever had a steady job. I chose to eat a plant-based diet for environmental reasons long before I had an Instagram account, or people that came to my classes, or anybody that listened to what I had to say. When I was 20 years old living in Central America in a shack that filled up with water every time it rained, making a dollar an hour working shitty jobs, I still managed to contribute through animal rescue and teaching free yoga and doing whatever I could to be of service to the world in a way that fit my life situation at the time. I'm not telling you to give all of your money away or ignore your responsibilities or sacrifice your wellbeing - I'm saying everybody can do SOMETHING. Find what your something is!!! It's your responsibility to do so. To help heal the world in a way that works for you.
So support foundations that do good things. Volunteer. Donate when you can. Raise awareness for causes you care about. Educate the people around you. Eat sustainably. Spend your money wisely. Be mindful. And goddammit, if you have any sort of social media influence... USE IT FOR GOOD. You owe it to the world.
Thank you.


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